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Friday, September 26, 2008

The Winter Strawberry One-Act Festival - Deadline October 30, 2008

The Riant Theatre’s Strawberry One-Act Festival from February 9 – February 22, 2009

The Riant Theatre is accepting submissions of 15 – 30 minutes one-act plays. Artistic Director, Van Dirk Fisher. Plays must have their own director and cast and be able to be presented from February 9 – 22, 2009. Plays will be performed at the American Theatre for Actors. The Playwright with the Best Play will receive a prize of $1,500 and development deal. Awards of $150 will also be given to Best Director, Best Actor & Actress. Some of the plays in the festival will be considered for publication in the anthology series: The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival: Volume 5. For an application visit the website: or send a SASE. The Riant Theatre, P.O. Box 1902, NY, NY 10013, Attn: The Strawberry One-Act Festival (Winter). Deadline: October 30th. Volunteers and Interns send resumes. Further info at and Plays accepted for the festival must pay a Participation Fee of $250, which goes towards publicity, the Kick Off Party and 2 tickets to the Awards Ceremony.


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