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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Plays Moving to the Semi-Finals #1 & #2 Are:

The Plays Moving into the Semi-Finals #1 on Thurs, August 9th & Fri, August 10th at 7:30 p.m. are:

1. Breakfast for Dinner
by Anthony Carter
2. Sad Sack Sally by Jennifer-Sally Bowen
3. Girl Meets Boy by Isaac Shapiro
4. The Rub by Albi Gorn
5. The Audition by Benjamin Rose

The Plays Moving into the Semi-Finals #2 on Thurs, August 9th & Fri, August 10th at 9:30 p.m. are:

1. The Anatomy of Desire
Helene Macaulay
2. Never Have by Leslie Fields
3. A Pocketful of Kryptonite by Robert Sean Miller
4. Planted by Shaun Raviv
5. Osama Loves Whitney by Camille M. Brown

You may purchase tickets from The Strawberry One-Act Festival is being held at the American Theater of Actors, 314 West 54th Street, 2nd Floor. To order by phone call 646-623-3488.


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