LEE BARRETT to perform Magic and COURTNEY FLEGE to sing Classic Soul at the Outdoor Strawberry Festival, Sunday, July 23rd at McCaffrey Playground

LEE BARRETT will perform his magic act from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Outdoor Strawberry Festival at McCaffrey Playground on 43rd Street between 8th & 9th Avenue.
Also on hand will be COURTNEY FLEGE singing classic soul At Last and Midnight Train To Georgia at 3pm.
Hip Hop Artist LANIGIRO (DiQuan Derreaux) will also perform songs from his latest CD.

And giving us fever will be SHARON ZASLAW performing her belly dance to Shakira's La Tortura.
Your festival was very nice, Thank you for a wonderful day.
12:35 PM
I saw that little girl sing and she was unbelievable, how do we contact her for future engagements?
7:47 AM
I saw that little girl sing and she was unbelievable, how do we contact her for future engagements?
7:47 AM
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